Welcome to my conversation with Dave Collins about performance psychology and Professional judgment and Decision-Making (PJDM) approach to optimise coaching impact. Dave has worked with over 80 World or Olympic medallists plus professional teams and performers. Dave has coached to national level in three sports, is a 5th Dan Karate, Director of the Rugby Coaches Association, Fellow of the Society of Martial Arts and BASES, Associate Fellow of the BPS and an ex Royal Marine. Professorial Fellow at the University of Edinburgh and Director at Grey Matters Performance Ltd. As an academic, Dave has over 350 peer review publications and 70 books/chapters.
Quote: specially as there is an increasing trend for the proponents of various philosophies or tools topresent their answer as the answer; in short, a “golden bullet”. Some will provide data or opinions to support their answer, although often construct-ing their argument against a strawman unrecognisable to the other side ofthe argument. Furthermore, and of even greater relevance, the almost evangelical arguments fail to address the needs of the hard-pressed practitioner”.
Chronological List of Topics from the Podcast
Introduction to Dave Collins’ career and achievements
Definition and scope of performance psychology
Evolution of performance psychology as a field
Integration of sports psychology with other domains
Explanation of ecological dynamics
Discussion on constraint-led approaches
Implicit vs. explicit learning
Evangelistic approaches in coaching
Critique of the Bruce Lee paper
Professional judgment and decision-making in coaching
Audio version: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/erikhein1970/episodes/Dave-Collins-It-depends-coaching-e2lar85
Research papers
A Pragmatic Approach to Skill Acquisition for Physical Education: Considering Cognitive and Ecological Dynamics Perspectives. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00336297.2023.2298931
It depends coaching – The most fundamental, simple andcomplex principle or a mere copout?https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/21640629.2022.2154189?needAccess=true