What is the best way to improve officer’s hand gun performance for real world encounters? And what is the difference between traditional approaches and the Ecological Dynamics methodology incorporating a Constraints Led Approach? A great masterclass with Jeff Quail, CEO of Setcan, the worlds largest company for Reality Based Training products and co-author of a Scientific Approach to Reality Based Training. Jeff has a Master s degree in Applied Psychology from the University of Liverpool. Prior to becoming the CEO of Setcan Corporation, Jeff served as a law enforcement helicopter pilot in Canada. Jeff is responsible for the creation of the Shocknife, StressVest, Neck Check, SimVoice and numerous other RBT products. Jeff is a court declared expert in officer safety training and tactics.
Topics/Time stamps
Reality based training book
Frontline training book
Introducing 2 different teaching methods (information processing approach versus ecological dynamics approach)
Gun sparring according to the constrained led approach
Exploring solutions
Why the need for the gun-sparring ecological dynamics approach?
Traditional police (firearms) training
Shooting range and real-world encounters
Research from Staller et al
The development of the stress vest
The struggle with the lexicon of the constrained led approach
Degeneracy principle
The new language of the constrained led approach
The analogy of gun-sparring with static and isolated martial arts training
The shooting range is still important
Video: living range drill with stress vest
The 3 major constraints (individual, task, environment) in ecological dynamic gun sparring
Perception-Action coupling in firearms encounter and gun sparring
Coaches instead of instructors
3 important constraints in gun sparring: drill starts when you see role-player/draw weapon only when justified/shoot only when justified/let them move as they want and based on what they perceive
Solving problems instead of following instructions
Overarching principle(s) deadly force encounter: prevent the attacker from using the weapon (avoidance & incapacitation)
Feedback from equipment
Attractors and invariants (for example barrel alignment in close combat)
How important are repetitions in ecological approach to firearms training?
Bernstein principle aka repetition without repeating
Utility of FX simunition training
Door threshold training drill and unique use of stress vest (non-firearm resistant cover)
New video: using other than visual stimuli (auditory stimulus for example)
Gun shot box equipment from Tim Richardson
Using different movement patterns as starting point
How to manipulate constraints as a trainer/coach
The instructor program
Using light and dark or temperature as environment constraint manipulation
What we teach and what happens on the street and how to design your evidence based firearms training?
Integrating gun sparring with range training
What are intervention points in gun sparring?
The importance of a good team
How to approach police use of force research as a trainer?
We care about results
Podcast video
Instructor program