There come’s a time that the roles will be reversed. Over the past 40 years, I have had many role models that I looked up to. Who saved me from a violent and unsafe childhood. I looked up to those men who became my rock and my shoulder. Karate sensei’s van Hurck, budo master Chris de Jongh, Kickboxing teacher Anne Beukema (RIP) , Goju Ryu karate masters Harry de Spa (RIP), Sidney Leijenhorst and Ries van Toorn, Martial Arts grandmaster Shihan Jan Kallenbach (RIP) , Martial Arts and Justice pioneer Richard van Asdonck, Captain of the Marines John Kenbeek, Police chief and researcher Wendy Dorrestijn Dorrenstein, Police Scientist Dr. Jaap S. Timmer and peak performance legend Henk Kraaijenhof. Just to name a few. On them I could build, lean and fall back. But as time goes on you move up in the line of generations and role models.
And then there comes a time for all the daytime warriors and frontline warriors- like in Churchill’s finest hour- when we are asked to be that rock, that fulcrum, that shoulder for the next generation. To be that hope, faith and love when it is needed. There comes a time when I can no loner ask for wisdom because those who came before are gone and wisdom is expected from me. The more we move up in the ranks so to speak, the more I feel that pressing question: how can I myself – in all my insecurities – be that beacon of faith and hope for others? Warriors evolve and transition in other roles with time. We did our share of the task in our first half of life, but it aint over yet. Duty is calling again for sharing our wisdom, courage and vulnerability. But most of all, our love.