Pijn stimulus in VR training: voegt dat wat toe?

Hoe kan moderne trainings technologie steeds representatiever (ik gebruik dit woord meer dan bewust!) worden ontworpen en ingezet? Meer concreet: in de echte wereld van agenten kan pijn (of de angst voor letsel/pijn) het optreden en de motorische vaardigheden verstoren. Hoe kunnen we dit invoegen in training? Bijvoorbeeld in simulator training en VR? Dit paper (1) onderzocht 2 simulatoren (the VirTra en een VR system) om te onderzoeken wat het effect is van het toevoegen van een pijnstimulus. Het leek me leerzaam en leuk dit keer de auteur zelf te vragen of mijn lezing van het onderzoek klopte. En hier volgt het antwoordt:

• We examined two virtual training simulators, the VirTra (a 2D virtual environment) and a VR system (a 3D environment using a head-mounted display and full-body motion capturing)

• The pain stimulus increased the level of perceived stress only in VirTra but not in VR (likely due to the already high levels of perceived stress in VR even without a pain stimulus)

• Without the pain stimulus, the level of perceived stress was significantly higher in VR compared to the VirTra. When training with the pain stimulus, the level of perceived stress was equally high in VR and the VirTra

• The addition of a pain stimulus did not have any effect on the physical training responses we measures (average and maximum heart rate in bmp during the trainings)

• The pain stimulus did not influence the sense of presence in either the VR or the VirTra

Belangrijkste les

The most important findings of this research are that training technologies need to be evaluated carefully. There are multiple ways to make virtual training more representative. We attempted this by adding a pain stimulus.

We have shown however that a pain stimulus in VR may not add anything to increase the psychological and physical training responses as well as the sense of presence (these may already be sufficiently high without a pain stimulus), while for other virtual training technologies like the VirTra it may be useful.


  1. Lisanne Kleygrewe, R. I. (Vana) Hutter & Raôul R. D. Oudejans (2023): No pain, no gain? The effects of adding a pain stimulus in virtual training for police officers, Ergonomics, DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2022.2157496