Nieuwe methode van vaardigheid onderwijs in verpleegkunde opleiding

Nu dus ook in de opleiding van verpleegkundigen: een andere kijk op leren van (medische) vaardigheden. Van geïsoleerde lineaire naar de constraints-led approach. Het begon in de sport, daarna de politie (Mario Staller, Chris Butler enz) en nu een wat mij betreft gedurfd en innovatieve voorzet van Peter Renden PhD. (ja van het proefschrift “Trainen voor en presteren in stressvolle situaties van politie”).

In het artikel het wat en hoe van traditioneel vaardigheid onderwijs en inzichten uit de constraints-led approach.

Ik pak er een paar zinnen uit:

“The constraints-led approach is an applied theory, based on the ecological-dynamics framework, which explains that skill learning is a process of adjusting to the characteristics of a situation, instead of reproducing isolated, “ideal” movements out of context”

“During nurse education however, students often find themselves in isolated practice drills in which they practice a nursing skill based upon detailed protocols and/or explicit instructions by the lecturer.”

Following the ecological dynamics framework (Button et al., 2021), we argue that there is no single ideal way of executing a certain task. In clinical practice, there are often more than one appropriate task executions for a certain situation, and on the other hand, a certain task execution might be effective in one situation, but less effective in another. As all patients and contexts contain unique characteristics, students need to practice with representative characteristics from clinical practice, so that they learn attuning to contextual information, instead of simply following step-by-step instructions”

“The constraints-led approach might be a useful didactic approach to enrich lecturers’ repertoire when teaching nursing skills. So far, it has been mainly recognized and applied in sports (Correia et al., 2018) and recently in policing (Korner and Staller, 2018). “

Ik ben benieuwd naar de reactie van Ruben Verlangen en Maarten Leeflang op dit artikel gezien hun grote ervaring in medisch onderwijs en training.


Renden PG, Dikken J. Introducing the constraints-led approach in nurse education: An innovative perspective on skill acquisition. Nurse Educ Today. 2022 Dec 6;121:105672. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105672. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36502661.