Een leerzaam artikel uit 2017 voor een heel bijzondere doelgroep: chirurgen! Ik haal er 2 dingen uit: wat presteren onder druk als chirurg betekent + een mentale vaardigheden training die voor deze doelgroep ontwikkeld en onderzocht is. Zoals altijd, ga niet op mijn interpretatie af maar lees zelf.
De druk van het werk: “Working as a surgeon requires not only extensive medical knowledge, critical thinking skills, and fine motor control, but also endurance and stamina, both physical and psychological. Surgeons must be able to maintain attention, make split-second decisions, and retain fine motor control throughout the entirety of a surgical procedure, sometimes lasting several hours. In addition to operating, surgeons must also effectively lead and communicate with their operating room team. The complexities, implications, and risks associated with operations create a generally stressful environment.1, 2 Furthermore, advances in surgery continue to increase the demands on surgeons. “
Training en onderwijs:”The developed curriculum consisted of 8 modules: introduction to mental skills, mental imagery, goal setting, energy management (relaxation), attention management, refocusing strategies, and performance routines (see Table 1).
Nine surgical novices completed the curriculum. Compared with baseline assessment, participants improved significantly their laparoscopic performance and mental skills after completion of the MSC. All participants completed the task in the porcine model without an appreciable change in their perceived stress. During the skill transfer test, 8 participants were observed using mental skills taught in the MSC.
A surgery-specific simulator-based MSC was developed, and its efficacy in improving mental skills and surgical performance was supported during a surgical skill transfer test.