Is de-escaleren veilig?

Quote (1) “The very tactics used to optimize a more common outcome – e.g., establishing contact and building rapport with a suicidal subject or preventing a foot pursuit at the end of vehicular pursuit – could and often do result in officers being poorly positioned for an unexpected deadly force encounter. “.

Wat dan te doen? Antwoordt: gebruik human factors onderzoek en design!

“Rather than relying solely on an officers ability to predict and prevent a shooting in the earlier frames of a complex and dynamic situation, why not design tactics that assume human failure and provide some resilience against catastrophic outcomes?”.

Dit is het domein van Resilience Engineering:

“The objective of resilience engineering is to reduce the complexity of the work place – the true enemy of consistently achieving desired results (e.g., Dekker, 2001, 2014; Woods et al., 2010 ) – and thereby improve the likelihood for success and safety rather than errors and accidents.

Hoe reduceer je complexitteit?
Door optimaal design van middelen en materialen (denk aan de slip en capture error bij Taser-Vuurwapen casus) en het inbouwen van bijvoorbeeld Tijd en Tactics om de split second te vermijden en beslistijd te optimaliseren.

Ik sta altijd open voor feedback en andere inzichten en de interpretatie van dit onderzoek is die van mij en niet van de auteurs.

1. Taylor PL. “Engineering Resilience” Into Split-Second Shoot/No Shoot Decisions: The Effect of Muzzle-Position. Police Quarterly. 2021;24(2):185-204.