Nieuwe inzichten motorisch leren toepassen in krachttraining

Hier mijn 7 leerpunten uit een leerzaam artikel (1) over de toepassing van de constraints-led benadering in de krachttraining. Maar eerst de beweging in beeld!

1. Gebrek aan aandacht voor coaching van vaardigheden

By contrast, the 2 major professional bodies for strength and conditioning, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), provide limited guidelines with respect to coaching or skill acquisition. This highlights a lack of attention to skill development in strength and conditioning.

2. Probleem met coach dominante benadering

This coach-centered approach may be problematic because of the limited understanding created within an athlete, which in turn creates problems when the coach is not present 

3. Het opdelen van vaardigheden

Breaking skills into parts (decomposition) has been criticized in the sports coaching literature (34) because the approach may lead to the performance of abstract movements only partially relevant to the end skill.

Decomposed skills contain different perceptual information and are as such, different skills in comparison with whole practice. This supports the argument that decomposed movements become different skills

4. Niet lineaire leer benadering

Contemporary approaches to coaching view learning as a nonlinear process which requires a matching nonlinear pedagogy. Some examples of nonlinearity in lifting include getting worse before you get better (exploring variability), stuck or flat phases (internal changes before improved performance), and slipping into bad habits (attractor decay). 

5. Geen oplossingen maar problemen

For this approach to be realized, coaches need to set out problems rather than present solutions (8). A constraints-led approach lets coaches set conditions for practice from which movement solutions emerge. 

6. Rol van coaching en techniek

The coach remains essential to this process as a grasp of good technique is essential here; this is not unguided learning. 

7. Anders feedback geven

Not giving feedback on every attempt trades improved short-term performance improvement for better long-term skill learning. A constraints-led approach is not based on instant, often verbal feedback, and thus give the appearance of limited focus on improvement, but the result leads to greater returns. Benefits include more successful lifts along with a skill that is robust under varying psychological and physical pressures.  


  1. Verhoeff, Wesley J. MSpEx1; Millar, Sarah K. PhD2; Oldham, Anthony R.H. PhD2; Cronin, John PhD2 Coaching the Power Clean: A Constraints-Led Approach, Strength and Conditioning Journal: April 2020 – Volume 42 – Issue 2 – p 16-25