Prof. dr. Peter Beek: an update on motor learning research and practice!

Prof. dr. PJ Beek is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Between 2011 and 2014, he published a series of ten highly influential articles on new insights into motor learning. Now, ten years later, it is time for an scientific update on strategies […]

Prof. dr. Peter Beek: an update on motor learning research and practice! Meer lezen »

Dr. Rico Schuijers: Sports and Performance Psychologist and pioneer Police mental skills training.

Dr. Rico Schuijers is an Olympic Sports and Performance Psychologist. He is the founder of the Mental Strength program for the National Police. With 33 years of experience in individual and team-level guidance for psychosocial health, he is also the author of ‘FOCUS.’ In this in-depth conversation, Rico shares his extensive experience and insights as

Dr. Rico Schuijers: Sports and Performance Psychologist and pioneer Police mental skills training. Meer lezen »

Spoedeisende hulparts Anne-Marie De Vries over beter samenwerken en systeemdenken in de (acute) zorg

Annemarie de Vries is spoedeisende hulparts die zich inzet voor duurzaam en effectief samenwerken en organiseren voor medische professionals. Waarbij ze gebruikmaakt van evidence-based interventies, methodieken en werkvormen op basis van systeemdenken. We bespreken het belang van een gemeenschappelijk doel en taak binnen een vakgroep of maatschap. Een helder gemeenschappelijk doel is essentieel omdat er

Spoedeisende hulparts Anne-Marie De Vries over beter samenwerken en systeemdenken in de (acute) zorg Meer lezen »

Lon Bartel: modern and effective Police training.

Lon Bartel is the Director of Training and Curriculum for VirTra, a leading-edge simulation and training company which provides products and services within the Military and Law Enforcement space. Bartel is a partnering instructor for Force Science institute. He relies on over 20 years of law enforcement training experience to improve the performance of the officers

Lon Bartel: modern and effective Police training. Meer lezen »

Topsport Psychologe Inez Swinnen over haar boek ‘Prestatie druk’!

Welkom bij een nieuwe aflevering van onze podcast, waarin we een inspirerend en diepgaand gesprek aangaan met Inez Swinnen, sportpsychologe en auteur van het boek over prestatiedruk en mentale kracht. In deze aflevering duiken we in de wereld van prestatiedruk en faalangst, en leren we hoe onzichtbare oorzaken, zoals complexe of ontwikkelingstrauma’s, ons dagelijks leven

Topsport Psychologe Inez Swinnen over haar boek ‘Prestatie druk’! Meer lezen »

Police Training Coordinator Rotterdam Mark Halfmouw: The Crucial Role of Police Trainers (IBT Instructors) in Dutch Society

Mark Halfmouw has been working with the police since 1992, including positions in the riot police (ME), surveillance and arrest teams (VAG), and special intervention units (SWAT). Since 2003, he has been with IBT (Integrated Professional Skills Training). Mark was the MD team chief at the Police Academy Amsterdam and, since 2022, has been the

Police Training Coordinator Rotterdam Mark Halfmouw: The Crucial Role of Police Trainers (IBT Instructors) in Dutch Society Meer lezen »

Inspiring books: Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life: How to Finally, Really Grow Up

Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist, and psychoanalyst is widely viewed as one of the pioneers of modern psychology. One of his most notable quotes is, “the greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.” What unmet needs, wounds, and unlived lives exist within me that I unconsciously project onto my

Inspiring books: Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life: How to Finally, Really Grow Up Meer lezen »

Jonathan Wender: using technology and human expertise to build trust and safety

Jonathan Wender is a unique blend of social scientist, police veteran, and entrepreneur. He spent two decades in policing in the United States and has extensive academic expertise in face-to-face interactions in high-risk environments. As the president and co-founder of Polis Solutions he is leading a team of professionals dedicated to the mission of using

Jonathan Wender: using technology and human expertise to build trust and safety Meer lezen »